Friday, August 14, 2015

[IMAGES] Champion of the Geriatric

Every Saturday my Zumba family, the Wanna be S...? Club, celebrates various occasions like birthdays, achievements, groundbreaking ceremonies, etcetera. This is why it is always festive and food is abundant during Saturdays. 

These images taken on August 15, 2015 (a Saturday) especially highlight some of the Zumbreros and Zumbreras in my class. As everyone could see, I've a variety of students-- and with Zumba that is easy to learn and execute, even my elderly clients are grooving with a smile.

She's 72 years old and says that Zumba sessions have helped lessen her arthritic foot pain!

We also have members belonging to the middle age bracket!

One of my male members! A true blue Zumbrero.

Praying over the food.


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