Wednesday, June 22, 2016

[Throwback Thursday] Dancing the Thriller and Doing Zumba in Halloween Costumes!

A manananggal, a monster of Philippine folklore capable of splitting its body in half crosswise, watches the panel of judges menacingly. Photo credit: Julie Soliven.

Hi, guys! Thursday means throwback, so I wanted to share some of the pictures (and one video) that were taken during the Halloween Party of the Wanna Be S...? fitness club of San Fabian! Aside from food, fun, and games, there were special prizes for best in Halloween costume too! And get this: we danced Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" in costume-- just because! Truly, Zumba is fun no matter what time of the year it is!

*Note: The video of our Thriller number is at the very end of the post.

We started the program with an opening prayer, a welcome address, and the kids' trick-or-treat activity!

Cute little kids in costume!

Baby Nicole as a zombie.

Baby Kara as a skeleton.

Trick-or-Treat with ZIN Vital and the Wanna Be S..? San Fabian.
Kids in costume! Let the trick-or-treating begin!

ZIN Vital (not in costume) gives out candies and treats to the young ones in costume.

Baby Chekai in a fairy outfit unknowingly receives candy from Mam Cholly.

Wanna Be S...? club president Trinidad Navarro hands out mint twenty-peso bills to kids in costume.

And then it was time for the adults to change into their costumes!

From L-R: Zumbreras Imelda, Nova, Norma and Gigi. Norma would later on win a prize for her impakta get-up.

Even our seasoned Zumbreras joined in the costume fun!

Joseph as a mad scientist.

Vicky as a blood-sucking vampire.

The next item on the list was the Parade of Monsters-- Zumbreros and Zumbreras in their glorious costumes march around the hall; later they would have the chance to individually showcase their costumes in front of the panel and the audience.

The panel of judges.

The food committee watched on as they prepared the food-- pancit with chicken and lumpia, roll cake, and maja blanca.

Waiting for the results of the Best in Costume can be a little tense, so a little group photo session was warranted.

After a little deliberation, the panel of judges revealed the winners of the Best in Costume: Norma (dressed up as an impakta in all black) in 4th place, Nila (dressed in an elaborate work with a white Jason Voorhees mask) in 3rd place, and Hana (manananggal) in 2nd place. The Best in Halloween costume was deemed to be Kuya Pablo (dressed up as an axe murderer)!

Manananggal won second prize!

The final activity for the day was Micheal Jackson's "Thriller", a costume dance number by the Wanna Be S...? Club and led by ZIN Vital. 

The person with the white mask, black outfit, was one of the winners of Best in Costume, Nila.

I end this post with the video of our Thriller number and hope that, whatever the season, we'll never stop having this kind of fun, partying ourselves into shape!

Watch the video in HD! Click on the "gear" icon for settings and select 480p or 720p.


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