Sunday, January 31, 2016

[IMAGES and VIDEOS] SF Town Fiesta 2016 CSO Night Intermission number by ZIN Vital and the WannaBeS...?

Honoring the different CSO's (Civil Society Organizations) working within the town of San Fabian, an event entitled CSO Night was held on the 18th of January 2016. One such organization, the Wanna Be S..? (San Fabian's flagship fitness club of which I am a proud member of), was asked to provide an intermission number to be performed not only in front of hundreds of spectators but also while high-ranking municipal officials are watching (i.e. the mayor, Hon. Constante B. Agbayani, the vice-mayor, and a handful of municipal councilors.

The first song in our intermission number's lineup is "I Wanna Dance".

Music: I Wanna Dance
Artist: Willy Chirino
Choreography: Zumba_Lo

Video of our performance of Willy Chirino's "I Wanna Dance".

The second number is "Bailan Rochas Y Chetas" by Nene Malo.

Music: Bailan Rochas Y Chetas (enhanced version by Live. Love. Party.)
Artist: Nene Malo
Choreography: Live. Love. Party.

The Honorable Mayor of the municipality of San Fabian, Mayor Constante B. Agbayani, is watching intently together with vice-mayor Leopoldo Manalo and a handful of municipal councilors.

Take a bow, everyone!

Had a couple of pictures taken with some of the members of the Wanna Be S...? before the number. After the intermission, the orchestra started to play and everyone was invited to grace the dance floor-- that is exactly what we did.

The guest speaker of the night, Mr. Christopher de Venecia, stopped by our table and we could not help asking him for some snaps!

It was a wonderful night. Exhausting, yes-- but wonderful all the same. Truly, fitness is not just about straining to shed the extra pounds because you need to have fun while doing it, too!


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